Good Blog – True Goods
Good Blog
Men's Personal Care Matters

The average American man uses six personal care products a day containing more than 80 unique chemicals. Many of these chemicals are absorbed into the skin, inhaled or ingested, and the vast majority of cosmetic chemicals have not been assessed for safety. Some of the chemicals used in men's body-care products ~ from aftershaves and shaving creams to deodorants and shampoos ~ are linked to cancer, birth defects, learning disabilities and other chronic health problems.

Your Best Defense Against Melanoma + Skin Cancer

With the sunny summer days ahead it’s important to remind ourselves of the dangers associated with too much sun exposure. Before you throw on your flip-flops and swimsuit and head out the door to the pool or beach, take a moment to evaluate your risk and take the proper steps to reduce exposure to harmful UV rays. Here’s a handy checklist of the highest risk factors to keep in mind when preparing for the sun.

Chem Fatale Report ~ Feminine Care Revealed

What’s in the Just Released Chem Fatale Report? Would you be surprised to learn that feminine care products - like tampons, pads, douches, wipes, and sprays - can contain hazardous ingredients? And these toxic chemicals are coming into contact with some of the most absorptive tissue on women’s bodies! Women’s...

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How Toxic Is Your ‘Natural’ Shampoo or Soap?

We all know toxic chemicals are all around us. But as much as we try to be vigilant and selective with the food and personal products we buy, sometimes there are toxic chemicals hidden behind the “natural” or even organic label. A recent study by the Center for Environmental Health (CEH) revealed a...

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