Sticks and Stones ~ 20 Wood Blocks + Storybook | Larsen Toy Lab – True Goods

Larsen Toy Lab

Sticks and Stones ~ 20 Wood Blocks + Storybook

$ 50.00

Larsen Toy Lab

Sticks and Stones ~ 20 Wood Blocks + Storybook

$ 50.00

The Sticks and Stones wooden block set and matching children's book by Larsen Toy Lab aims to add another educational layer to the vital learning experience that block play offers. Armed only with a vivid imagination and a set of blocks, Leif transforms from a poor farmer's son into a town hero! Watch your child's excitement for blocks swell as they follow Leif's adventures.


Free name engraving is included with the set, creating a uniquely personal gift. Please include in the notes section upon checkout if you'd like the set to be personally engraved, and with what name.


  • Includes ~ 20 wood blocks, Sticks and Stones book (1st in series), canvas carrying bag
  • Hardcover storybook includes block models for kids to emulate the same structures that Leif is creating in the story
  • Award winning, each wood block is handmade and individually beveled
  • Cherry blocks that have a light beeswax finish and Maple blocks that have no finish at all
  • Always American made
  • For ages 1+


The two most obvious differences between Larsen blocks and others are attention to detail and personalization.  Instead of tumbling the blocks together in a large bin (creating nicks and dents on the surface), these blocks are individually sanded using a custom jig and machine called SandFlee. The same set-up is used to bevel the edges and corners to make sure nothing is too sharp for the little ones.

Creative Learning

  • Physical Development ~ visual perception, eye-hand coordination, hand manipulation
  • Science ~ gravity, stability, balance, interaction of forces, trial and error, discovery, inductive thinking
  • Social Development ~ feeling of competence, cooperation, clean up, respect for work of others
  • Math ~ depth, width, height, length, measurement, volume, area, inequality and equality, shape, symmetry and mapping, classification, order, number and fractions
  • Art ~ patterns, symmetry, balance
  • Language Arts ~ reading stories about building, exchange of ideas, planning and naming of building, questions about concepts, shape recognition, signs, labeling and directions
  • Social Studies ~ people and their work, mapping grids and patterns, interdependence, symbolic representation

    Natural Maple and Cherry woods, beeswax finish on Cherry

    When Courtney and Alex Larsen were little, their dad made a beautiful set of building blocks from spare wood in his shop and it quickly became a treasured toy. Now, as passionate toy makers inspired by their dad’s ingenuity and relentless standards of quality, they have set out to rediscover the power of building blocks. They started by asking the most important question: How do we make them fun for all ages and different from the hundreds of other toy companies that make blocks?

    First, they complement each of their block sets with custom engravings, original stories, games, or puzzles to create a completely new experience. Next, they put the same amount of love and care into making each block as their dad did for their first set. Then, they only partner with people that care as much as they do for the health of the planet and safety of your children. Plain and simple, their mission is to provide you with unforgettable toys that will stimulate growing brains and last for generations.