Our Values & Social Responsibility – True Goods
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  • Our Values & Social Responsibility
  • Elizabeth Wasserman
Our Values & Social Responsibility

Our Values

At True Goods, we believe that competitive business practices and supporting the social good can and should go hand-in-hand. We hope to become a force for positive change by emphasizing shared value and social innovation as integral to our business strategy. We embrace transparency and responsibility for the company’s actions and encourage a positive impact on our communities and the lives we touch.

Corporate Social Responsibility ~ What It Means to Us

We know our customers care most about the safety of products for themselves and their families and won’t tolerate toxins or harmful ingredients. Luckily, neither do we. That’s why we’ve set the highest bar for rigorous, science-based health and safety standards. Additionally, we require that the products we carry must move people toward better health and our environment toward greater sustainability.

While customers can trust that we won’t fall prey to misleading labeling practices, we respect their right to know what’s in every product we carry. Through our corporate mission, ethics, honesty, transparency, social responsibility, safety standards, valuable editorial and quality products, we’ll earn your trust and loyalty. We’ll also empower you to shop smarter through assessments, cutting-edge in-house and curated editorial, educational initiatives, and links to resources, tips and news updates.

We believe purchasing = power and focus our efforts on making change, not just a buck. That’s why we promote true and meaningful progress by encouraging our customers to “put your money where your heart is.” We also believe that all True Goods stakeholders should feel valued and validated – from our employees to our product suppliers to our customers, and everyone in-between.

Unfortunately, quality products with thoughtful ingredients are still rare, which is why we don’t devalue our brand partners by undercutting their prices. We take responsibility for protecting the good work of good companies and align our retailing best practices with fair pricing that respects both our suppliers’ honest efforts and our customers’ pocket books.

Giving back is an obligation, not a trend. Problems to solve and challenges to overcome are countless, so we’ve built our giving strategy to maximize both reach and impact. We involve our customers in the decisions we make about the organizations we support and the extent to which we donate portions of revenue, and each year we select new organizations to receive our truly good attention and support.

  • Elizabeth Wasserman