Good Blog – True Goods
Good Blog
What Does Detoxification Really Mean?

What Does Detoxification Really Mean?

What does it actually mean when someone says they’re doing a detox? There are many different kinds of detoxification protocols, and many perspectives on how they're done. For instance, doing a detox to enhance your health and address a specific condition is very different than doing a dietary cleanse twice a year. The truth is that detoxing, while something that we all feel we should do, may in fact not be a good idea for everyone. Dr. Mary Shackelton explains...

Purely Pampered Pregnancy

During my first pregnancy, I knew all about the benefits of massage for health, relaxation, mood, you name it. I figured that a more relaxed mom would lead to a less stressful in utero environment for my developing baby. What I didn’t know was that my go-to resources for pampering ~ massage, lotions, bath oils, candles, etc. ~ were directly impacting my health and that of my developing child.

Men's Personal Care Matters

The average American man uses six personal care products a day containing more than 80 unique chemicals. Many of these chemicals are absorbed into the skin, inhaled or ingested, and the vast majority of cosmetic chemicals have not been assessed for safety. Some of the chemicals used in men's body-care products ~ from aftershaves and shaving creams to deodorants and shampoos ~ are linked to cancer, birth defects, learning disabilities and other chronic health problems.

Wellness from Within

This time of year, local pharmacies and grocery stores are chock-full of prescription antibiotics, medicinal remedies, and other cures for wintertime colds and flus. In a pinch, and once illness has set in, these options can provide a great deal of relief. But there’s much more that can be done way in advance of taking medications and seeing the doctor to prevent sickness.

Candle Conundrum ~ To Burn or Not to Burn?

The idea of holidays and toxins may not seem to go together, yet candles and fragrances traditionally used to set the scene are often some of the biggest chemical culprits! So when creating memories with loved ones this season, why not make sure they’re happy and healthy ones...

Have A Not-So-Scary Halloween

Let’s be real, those Skittles colors are as unnatural as the evening’s theme. But does this mean no candy for the kiddos and your house being pegged as that family who passes out pencils, pennies or apples? Have no fear! Here are some tips on candies and costumes that should help you navigate Halloween's dangerous waters while remaining cool as a toxin-free cat.

Purely Playtime

If there's one thing we're all extremely careful about, it’s what reaches our children. We make sure to regulate ‘potty language,’ junk food, inappropriate behavior, bullying ~ the list goes on. But what about during playtime? Are you sure that your youngsters’ toys are safe? Follow these simple guidelines to make shopping for toys and kids’ items worry and toxin-free!

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