Good Blog – True Goods
Good Blog
What Does Detoxification Really Mean?

What Does Detoxification Really Mean?

What does it actually mean when someone says they’re doing a detox? There are many different kinds of detoxification protocols, and many perspectives on how they're done. For instance, doing a detox to enhance your health and address a specific condition is very different than doing a dietary cleanse twice a year. The truth is that detoxing, while something that we all feel we should do, may in fact not be a good idea for everyone. Dr. Mary Shackelton explains...

Purely Pampered Pregnancy

During my first pregnancy, I knew all about the benefits of massage for health, relaxation, mood, you name it. I figured that a more relaxed mom would lead to a less stressful in utero environment for my developing baby. What I didn’t know was that my go-to resources for pampering ~ massage, lotions, bath oils, candles, etc. ~ were directly impacting my health and that of my developing child.

Men's Personal Care Matters

The average American man uses six personal care products a day containing more than 80 unique chemicals. Many of these chemicals are absorbed into the skin, inhaled or ingested, and the vast majority of cosmetic chemicals have not been assessed for safety. Some of the chemicals used in men's body-care products ~ from aftershaves and shaving creams to deodorants and shampoos ~ are linked to cancer, birth defects, learning disabilities and other chronic health problems.

Minimize Your Child’s Exposure to Lead

In an effort to minimize exposure to this potent neurotoxin, it’s critical to know where it hides. Some parents wrongly believe that lead is no longer of concern since it's no longer allowed in house paint, or that some exposure is ok since we were all exposed as children. Unfortunately current science shows that this is far from the truth. Here’s what the experts advise...

Think Before You “Pink” ~ Pinkwashing

“Pinkwashing.” A term used to describe companies that position themselves as leaders in the fight against breast cancer while engaging in practices that may be contributing to rising rates of the disease. This October, I'm sick of finding pink ribbons “supporting breast cancer research” on products that actually contain chemicals linked to breast cancer! So how are you supposed to know which companies are pinkwashing and which ones are actually leaders in the fight against breast cancer? Here are a few tips to help you navigate the sea of pink ribbons and to avoid products that contain cancer-causing chemicals.

Your Best Defense Against Melanoma + Skin Cancer

With the sunny summer days ahead it’s important to remind ourselves of the dangers associated with too much sun exposure. Before you throw on your flip-flops and swimsuit and head out the door to the pool or beach, take a moment to evaluate your risk and take the proper steps to reduce exposure to harmful UV rays. Here’s a handy checklist of the highest risk factors to keep in mind when preparing for the sun.

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