Good Blog – True Goods
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What Does Detoxification Really Mean?

What Does Detoxification Really Mean?

What does it actually mean when someone says they’re doing a detox? There are many different kinds of detoxification protocols, and many perspectives on how they're done. For instance, doing a detox to enhance your health and address a specific condition is very different than doing a dietary cleanse twice a year. The truth is that detoxing, while something that we all feel we should do, may in fact not be a good idea for everyone. Dr. Mary Shackelton explains...

Purely Pampered Pregnancy

During my first pregnancy, I knew all about the benefits of massage for health, relaxation, mood, you name it. I figured that a more relaxed mom would lead to a less stressful in utero environment for my developing baby. What I didn’t know was that my go-to resources for pampering ~ massage, lotions, bath oils, candles, etc. ~ were directly impacting my health and that of my developing child.

Breast Cancer Linked to Plastics

Many of us are aware that in the grand scheme of things plastics aren’t that great for the human body. There are many harmful chemicals associated with plastic, including BPA, a chemical “hardener” that is associated with endocrine disruption in the human body. The daily exposure and inhalation of toxins definitely adds up. Unfortunately, plastics are so ubiquitous that it’s unlikely their manufacture will cease anytime soon. It’s time that we measure success as a nation by improvements in human health, not just economic progress.