Good Blog – True Goods
Good Blog
EWG ~ Know the Ingredients In Your Personal Care Products

The best products are truthful in their marketing claims and free of potentially worrisome ingredients. Some products might make claims like "gentle" or "all-natural," but since the government does not require safety testing, personal care product manufacturers can use almost any chemical they want, regardless of risks.  How To Read...

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Why BPA Won't Go Away

Bisphenol A (BPA) remains on top of the charts of high profile chemicals, holding this dubious distinction for several years now. While toxicologists don’t really have a top 40, it’s obvious that this one is the poster child for what can go wrong with today’s designer chemicals.

Formaldehyde ~ 4 Fast Facts

There is no good logic that can explain to the consumer why formaldehyde - a chemical that is classified as a carcinogen - is still on the market without any federal standards for emissions allowed in homes. Its toxicity was news to many.
 In the meantime, what are we to do about our contemporary desks, bookshelves and building supplies made from formaldehyde-full wood? Here are four lessons learned.

The Buzz On Cell Phones & Cancer

As of May 2013, 91% of American adults own cell phones, over half of which are smart phones. We use them in all parts of our lives, as messengers, alarm clocks, cameras, and calendars - and sometimes even for phone calls. With such an enormous increase in wireless activity in a relatively short period of time, it’s understandable that many people are concerned about the effects this may have on our health.